Relax, Take it Easy...

Hello Everyone,

I would like to apologize for a week-long silence. I've been a little more busy than usual, good busy, that is:)

I celebrated my birthday, my family came for a visit from Canada and Emil and I moved out to Malibu for a few weeks because it's been so hot in LA. Once we settled in I realized that the internet connection  is absolutely abysmal, last night I spend 15 minutes trying to log into my mail box. Ah, I was cursing like a drunken sailor. But all is good now! 

It took us only a few days to become complete beach bums, I don't think I left the house once in anything other than a bathing suit and a cover up since we moved out here. Ah, and of course I wanted you to meet our little friend Walter. Isn't he cute! He is our neighbor's dog but he is lucky enough to run free on the beach all day long:) So, as of lately he's become our constant companion. 

Love you all very much,
Hope you are enjoying the Giveaway,

P.S. I wanted to ask you a for a little favor, if you like this post, please click the little "Like on Bloglovin" button at the end:)

Blouse - Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent, Jewelry -, Swimsuit - Calvin Klein, Sandals - Tapeet
Hat - Kitson.

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