(Journey Chaser LA T-shirt -, Gypsy05 Faux Denim Leggings -, Boots - Steve Madden, Bag - Planet Blue, Earrings - DIY, Jewelry -

My go to outfit for some down time in LA. This Sunday Emil and I finally carved out some time to catch up with our friends and just chill... If you live in LA or maybe plan to visit you have to go to Urth Cafe in Santa Monica, best coffee and deserts in town, I promise:) Emil and I had two cherry pies each, sadly no regrets... You have to live it up sometimes:)

The feathered earings are actuallly a little DIY project, I got a pair of really cute Koolaburra flats from this summer. Well, long story short, the flats have little feather embelishmantes on the side which are completely removable so you can use them for anything. I took them off, and voila, a cute pair of earrings!  I am thinking of using them as a necklace next.

P.S. I look a little mad in these picks, well, I am not, the sun was in my face most of the time. I will show my usual  grin next time:)

Love you all very much,

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